Monday, September 17, 2018

SCCMA and Standford Transformative Experience in Medicine

Brandon Pham is one of the student directors of a program called SCCMA Stanford Transformative Experience in Medicine (SSTEM), which is a 3-week program at Stanford aimed at providing high school students from primarily underrepresented backgrounds with exposure to the medical field that would have otherwise been difficult to obtain.

The program will take place during 3 Saturdays on October 20th, October 27th, and November 3rd, 2018 from roughly 8am to 12pm. Students will have a chance to hear talks from physicians and have the opportunity to participate in hands-on dissections of cow hearts, pig eyes, etc. More information about our organization can be found below:

They have extended the application deadline for this opportunity to Friday, September 28th, 2018. The link to the application can be found in website above.

If you have questions, you can reach Brandon Pham at

Brandon Pham
Stanford University School of Medicine | MD Candidate
UCLA | BS Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics
P (714) 369-4364 | E


Rosa, a Stanford medical student, guiding students through animal heart dissections.
UPDATE (9/15/2018): Our application deadline for Fall Session 2018 has now been extended to Friday, September 28th, 2018 at 11:59pm! Please visit the Application page for more information.
The Santa Clara County Medical Association (SCCMA) and the Stanford chapter of the American Medical Association welcome you to the SCCMA
and Stanford Transformative Experience in Medicine (SSTEM) program for the 2018-19 academic year!
The SSTEM program is aimed at providing high school students with exposure to the medical field that would have otherwise been difficult to obtain. By giving local students an opportunity to explore health professions, our hope is that this program will inspire local students to pursue a career in medicine and to serve the future healthcare needs of the community.
SSTEM Fall 2016 participants
Our application for Fall Session 2018 is now open! Please visit the About Us and Application pages for more information and eligibility for the upcoming session.
We look forward to having a great year with you!

-Your 2017-18 SSTEM Stanford School of Medicine Co-Directors (Brandon Pham, Hriday Bhambhvani, Kelly Zhang, Kim DeBruler, Sandy Wong, and Will Tate)