Wednesday, October 21, 2020



Hello Grizzlies!

Chemistry is the study of matter, its structure and composition. Chemistry studies  how matter interacts with each other and the changes that take place during those interactions.  
Matter is any substance that is made up of atoms, occupies space and has a volume. Is your skin matter? What about the food in your fridge? What about ENERGY coming from the sun? (think carefully about this one)... Air, is air matter? How can you demonstrate that air is matter? Could you design  an experiment to support your opinion?
Volume is the space occupied by matter. Which has a bigger volume: your notebook paper or your pencil? Why?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them. 

  • What is Chemistry? What property of water allow insects to walk on water?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them.

  • What are the steps of the Scientific Method? How many elements have been isolated? How are elements organized and where?

What is Matter?    
Remember the question about air? Did you plan an experiment to demonstrate that air is matter (or not)? Watch the video.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them.

  • Why are the states of matter? Provide two examples for each. Describe the experiment that demonstrated that air IS matter.

When people think of Chemistry, they think about chemicals. So, what is a chemical? Matter, of course! But, is EVERYTHING a chemical? Think.
chemical is a substance (matter) that has a definite composition which means that such substance will always contain the same number and the same  type of atoms in the same proportion by weight.  
For example, a molecule of water, H2O will always contain two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them.

  • Can you guess the type and number of atoms in a molecule of glucose, C6H12O6?   What about H2O2?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them.

  • What does "organic" mean? What are nutrients? What is "manure" :) ? 
    Can you think of six  types of "inorganic matter"?  What are molecules? 

Chemistry has several branches of research and study. When I was in college, one of  the most difficult classes I took was Organic Chemistry (What does organic mean again?).  The key to succeeding in that class was daily studying and practicing the work. 

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them.

  • Name and provide a description of the 5 branches of Chemistry.

Many people think that science and technology are the same thing. The goal of science is the pursuit of knowledge while technology is the application of science.


DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them.

  • Provide 3 definitions of "science." What does "science" mean? What are the assumptions we need to make in order to do "science"
  • What is "technology"? How can  technology be used to help scientists to do "science"?


You have been introduced to the Scientific Method in previous science class. This section is a brief review to trigger your memory.  
Progress in science comes as a result of planned investigations that use  specific steps to test ideas and observations by obtaining data that can be used to analyze the results of those tests. Those specific steps are found in the Scientific Method.


DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Be ready to answer these questions when we meet online and I randomly select students to answer them.

  • What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
  • Have you used the scientific method in the past? Give an example.


GREAT JOB, GRIZZLIES!  Screen Shot 2020-07-17 at 2.30.17 PM.png


Now, watch the last video, put your dancing shoes on and exercise with "Technology" :) 



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